This week, my photo of the week is from Palos de la Frontera, a small town in Huelva, Andalucía that’s right on the ocean and is famous because Christopher Columbus spent some time there before he set off on his famous voyage.


Palos de la Frontera was his starting point for his voyage as well. These three ships are actual-size reproductions of the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María at a place called El Muelle de las Carabelas (the Wharf of the Caravels). The reproductions have sailed Columbus’s actual route, and are used for filming lots of stuff too. Apparently a heavy-metal band even did a music video there.

You can go on and into the ships, which are full of sailor mannequins and reproductions of stuff the sailors would’ve had with them. Let me just say that those are some seriously tiny spaces!

On an unrelated note, I realized this week that my blog has been seriously lacking in Barcelona posts lately. I’ll have some coming up soon!

