Hello hello hello! I’m slowly adjusting to my new self-hosted blog (scary stuff) and it seems like there are a few issues I still need to sort out. Let me know if you’re having any of these problems: 

-Reallllly slow loading times (for both the page and photos).

-Weird display issues, especially on mobile.

-Newer posts not displaying properly.

OK, so now it’s onto the even less-fun part – figuring out how to make these issues go away! I’m in the middle of my third round of visitors to round out the summer, so it may take a few days to get things fixed and working.

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite older posts to check out:

Turns out self-hosting is a lot more frustrating than I thought so far. If you know what I’m doing wrong or know of any helpful resources, please give me a heads-up in the comments! 

