Hello everyone! I haven’t written much about my personal life lately, but I have an exciting news update to share – I got offered a paid job as a travel writer!ย 

Your new BCN travel guide!

It’s for a monthly magazine in Barcelona, and I’ll be writing a column about fun things to do in the city for visitors. ย There are so many great things to do here, I’m sure I’ve barely scratched the surface. Even people who spend just a couple of days here almost always find something new I’ve never seen.ย If anyone has any recommendations for stuff to do, see, or eat in Barcelona, I’d love to hear them!ย 

I’ll let you know when things start getting published – the magazine kicks off next month. It’s an updated version of an existing one. Fingers crossed it all goes well! I’m so excited.

And if you’re in Barcelona at any time, feel free to join me for some, er, ‘research’ at bars and restaurants.

Also, here’s a teaser photo of something else exciting that’s happening in Barcelona this week that I snapped on my way home from work. Anyone know what they’re setting up for? I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Currently listening to: “Spice Up Your Life” by the Spice Girls, because who isn’t feeling the Girl Power after their big reunion at the Olympics Closing Ceremony?

Currently reading: One of Our Thursdays is Missing by Jasper Fforde
