Happy New Year, everyone! For my first post of 2013, here’s one of my favorite places in Andalucía – Córdoba. 

But before I get started, I do have a minor change to my blog for the new year! My new URL is www.holayessica.com (I finally took out the “WordPress”). Thanks for following me in 2012, and I’m excited to see what 2013 brings!

And now on to Córdoba….


Córdoba is a small city in Andalucía, and a quick train ride away from the region’s capital, Sevilla. The biggest sight there is the Mosque-Cathedral, which is exactly what it sounds like.

Even though I knew to expect both a mosque and a cathedral, I was still pretty surprised at how they’re combined. Once you’re inside the building, it looks like a mosque. But when you turn the corner, you’re suddenly in a cathedral – it’s just stuffed right in the middle of the building!

If you’d shown me this photo a few years ago and asked me to guess where it was, I don’t think I would ever have guessed Spain. That’s one of my favorite parts about traveling around the country – it always surprises me.

