It’s Wednesday, so I’ve got another photo from my time in Sevilla. This time, it’s from Sevilla’s Plaza de España, which is definitely one of my favorite things in the city. You might recognize it from the Star Wars movies – they turned it into a space palace for them! 




Sevilla’s Plaza de España is across the street from Parque María Luisa, one of the greenest spaces in the city. It’s a half-circle surrounded by gorgeous old buildings. Actually, they’re only kind of old by Spain standards – the Plaza de España was built in the 1920s for the World’s Fair. I definitely thought it was much older until very recently!

The Plaza is the first thing I saw in Sevilla that really surprised me in a good way. I came across it by chance on a disgustingly hot day in my first week there, and the sheer scale of it blew me away. During my first week in the city, I was feeling worried, lonely, and upset about my semester abroad. Finding the Plaza de España made me feel hopeful again.

I ended up having a terrible study abroad experience and have a lot of unpleasant memories associated with Sevilla. But in spite of my negative feelings, the city is undeniably beautiful and I love taking little ‘trips’ back there through my photos.

